*For artists with an address in Republic of Ireland/EU*

Theatre in Palm, an international project funded by Creative Europe, is hosting a Hybrid Residency on 6–17 November 2023. During the 2-week residency you will work with 10 local artists and 20 international artists, both live and online. The residency will end with 4–12 co-produced, new theatre pieces that are shared online with the whole group of 120 artists, plus 12 mentors, and the rest of the online world.

The Hybrid Residency will take place for two weeks in 12 countries simultaneously in November 2023. In the Hybrid Residency, all 12 Theatre in Palm countries work in country trios:

  • Finland-Sweden-Greece.
  • Ireland-Italy-Belgium.
  • Spain-Portugal-Netherlands.
  • Bulgaria-Romania-Cyprus.

During week 1, 10 selected artists in each Theatre in Palm country will work live locally during the first week of residency. Local artists work in a small group of 5 members and online with five artists from another country.

During the weekend (11–12 November) of week 1, 10 local artists will travel abroad (e.g. 5 artists from Finland to Sweden and 5 artists from Finland to Greece). Each Theatre in Palm country decides from its residents who will travel to which country.

During week 2, all trios will produce three approximately 15-minute performances streamed online at the end of the 2nd week on 17 November. Trios can also decide to combine the performances into one 45-minute performance.

The residency works on the theme of Environmental Impact and on common impulse material. Participants are guided by experienced mentors who have prepared the work in advance. The intention is to produce performances that deal with the theme and are all united by one common element: organic material.

Applicants must be emerging artists resident in an EU country and over 18 years old. Travel and accommodation in another country will be paid for by the project.

Deadline: 6 September 2023

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