The Arts & Older People Programme aims to strengthen the voice of older people and promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing through the arts. In conjunction with the delivery partners the priority areas for this next round of funding are projects being delivered within care homes, carers and people living with dementia. The proposed projects should reflect the partnership approach with the care homes and have the support from them in the delivery.
To ensure a strong advocacy message there will be an opportunity to showcase the projects funded throughout the year. Applicants should endeavour to build this into their project programme and budget.
Who can apply?
The programme is aimed at constituted community and voluntary groups who are working at a local level to support older people and can demonstrate strong partnership working with care homes, carers and dementia groups.
This programme is also open to non-governmental organisations, Local Authorities and arts organisations who can clearly demonstrate partnership working.
We are looking for partnership or consortia based projects. Partnerships can be led by either age sector providers, arts organisations or Local Authorities, however the consortium must be made up of appropriate representatives and demonstrate a commitment to working together. Other specialists who work with older people may also be included as named partners in the consortium.
Who Cannot Apply
Broadcasters (excluding community service broadcasters)
Central Government Departments
Organisations with statutory obligations to providing services for Older People
How much can I apply for?
Grants from £1,000 to £10,000 are available
Find more information and apply online here.
Deadline for applications: Thursday 7th July 2022 at 12pm