This programme will focus on:
  • Play – letting your mind run free into true spontaneity & creativity
  • Resilience & Confidence – being able to remain optimistic & joyful amidst certain disaster
  • ComplicitĂ© & Receptivity – being open to the audience & any unforeseen occurrence
  • The Uniqueness of You – discover what is uniquely funny & special about you
Led by Gemma Mae Halligan & Jude Quinn, This programme will build your confidence in front of an audience & help you accept confusion & spontaneity with grace.
Workshop dates: Wed 19th Jan & 26th Jan 2022, Wed 2nd & 9th, 16th, 23rd Feb 2022, Wed 2nd & 9th Mar 2022.
Clown Lab will be an online programme starting at 7pm-9:30pm so make sure to have somewhere you can work uninterrupted and with enough space for you to move
around comfortably.
Contact Amadan Ensemble for more information at