The Arts Council of Northern Ireland have opened applications for their Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme.
This programme aims to to create opportunities for specialised training, research, cultural exchanges, networking and learning for individual artists, creative practitioners and arts administrators from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds:
- Increase opportunities for young and emerging minority ethnic artists.
- The Arts Council particularly welcomes applications from emerging artists – an emerging artist is someone who is in the early stage of their career as a professional artist. They are developing their artist ‘voice’ and are in the process of establishing a reputation and recognition among critics, galleries, producers etc, and will have practised as a professional artist for less than 5 years.
- Support arts workforce skill development and career pathways for young and emerging artists from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds.
- Inspire excellence through the support of high-quality, ambitious, innovative and imaginative opportunities for artists to collaborate with others.
- Increase the capacity and opportunities for artists to take professional and creative risks.
- Contribute to a vibrant and diverse workforce across the breadth of the creative and cultural industries.
Specifically, the scheme will fund residencies and mentoring opportunities through which applicants can develop their creative and professional practice.
Applicants are invited to shape a programme of support, tailored to their own needs and through wider collaboration.
What you can apply for:
- Art materials
- Costs of your own time in undertaking the proposed activity
- Residency costs, including travel costs, accommodation and subsistence (NB: if you are applying for a residency, you must provide evidence of an invitation or support from the host organization.)
- Fees for training courses
- Artistic fees of Mentors
- Artistic or technical fees including those towards production or post-production costs associated with presentation or exhibition of work**
- Venue hire e.g. rehearsal space
- Project-related travel costs, including mileage costs (@25.7p per mile) and air travel
- Subsistence costs @£25 per day
- Technical equipment related to the project/proposal equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request)
- IT Equipment : A maximum contribution of £1,200 will be made towards laptops and pcs, and £500 towards tablet computers.
- Translation costs
- Documentation costs
- Childcare costs
The deadline for applications is Thursday 12th September 2024 at 12noon.