
Grants are available to provide arts organisations in Northern Ireland with skills in the use of digital technology to create digital art.

Current Status
Open for Applications
Maximum value:
£ 10,000

Objectives of Fund

The aim of the programme is to support those arts organisations who are making digital art for the first time or are working with digital or immersive technology which they have not used previously.

Value Notes

The programme fund has a total value of £40,000.

Grants of up to £10,000 are available.

Projects must take place between 4 April 2022 and 28 February 2023.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from arts organisations, registered charities and other non-profit organisations.

Collaborative applications from organisations working together in cross-discipline projects and activities are encouraged.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • For-profit organisations.
  • Individuals or sole traders.
  • Broadcasters (excluding community service broadcasters).
  • Central Government Departments.
  • Umbrella organisations not previously funded by the Arts Council.

This programme does not cover the simple digitisation of art (in any artform) or performance and must relate to the development of artistic practice and digital capability.

Filmed performances, audio recordings or video capture of material that would be intended for in-person performance is not suitable as the output of a project proposal, and applications applying for such output activity will be rejected as ineligible.

Eligible Expenditure

Examples of the types of projects that this programme will support include:

  • Creation of a virtual environment or augmented reality environment, such as augmented reality visual arts or sound overlay on venues or geographical spaces.
  • Using technology, such as 3D rendering and printing, to create artwork digitally which can either exist digitally or be manufactured into 3D physical objects.
  • Using technology to translate data into artistic content, for example algorithms that create music or visual content from data input
  • App development for the delivery of artistic content. This could include gamification or making an artistic experience for consumption on digital devices.
  • Piloting new forms of support to individual artists or organisations that results in the creation of digital art.

How To Apply

The deadline for applications is noon on 14 February 2022.

Guidance notes and the online application form can be accessed at the Arts Council of Northern Ireland website.

Contact Arts Council of Northern Ireland for further information. Click Here for the ACNI website.