Produced by The Playhouse in partnership with John & Pat Hume Foundation this is a major new musical drama to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.
It will run from the 31st March – 7th April 2023 at the Guildhall.
Beyond Belief will present John Hume’s life and his odyssey for peace, the right to decent life, and the right to hope.
While he has been described as a “Titan”, a “Giant” and a “Hero” of peace-making and reconciliation, Beyond Belief, in its words and music, will reach for the man: the man who achieved all he did not glibly, without struggle or alone, but as a human being; a human being just like the rest of us.
In re-presenting John Hume, his life and his mission – a mission never fettered by shibboleth, dogma or fossilised tenet – Beyond Belief will seek to inspire through words, music, song.
The anniversary performance on 7th April 2023 will be broadcast live and available to stream for 7 days afterwards.
Book and lyrics: Damian Gorman
Music: Brian O’Doherty
Producer and Director: Kieran Griffiths