Co Motion All Ireland Dance Conference Jc005


Theatre and Dance NI is the representative body to support and develop theatre and dance for all in Northern Ireland. Members include venues, production companies, festivals, youth drama groups and performing arts practitioners, including facilitators, performers, directors, technicians, producers, designers, playwrights, etc.

TDNI is committed to providing an inclusive, collaborative environment in which everybody involved feels safe, where goals can be achieved effectively, and experiences can be shared safely. To ensure a positive experience for everyone involved, we have established the following Code of Behaviour, which outlines the expected standards of conduct for all artists, participants, and staff so that everyone is treated with dignity and respect and in which no one is subjected to harassment or bullying.

The purpose of this code is to provide a clear framework within which all artists, participants and staff are expected to conduct themselves. Everyone is therefore expected to meet certain standards of behaviour and to carry out their duties regarding these standards. Compliance with the Code of Behaviour is designed to ensure the highest possible service and a high standard of professionalism from our artists, participants, and staff.

TDNI will provide assistance in meeting these standards through investing in appropriate training and development measures.

The following code of behaviour should be used as a guideline. It is not exhaustive and merely illustrates the standard of behaviour required.

TDNI have a clear framework within which all staff are expected to conduct themselves. All staff are therefore expected to meet certain standards of behaviour and to carry out their duties with regard to these standards also.

Pledge/ Equity Safe Spaces statement:

“Every single one of us working on this programme is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of fear, a space free of bullying & harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences & celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table. We will treat one another with politeness & respect at all times &, if we are subjected to or witness bullying & harassment, we will speak out knowing that our voices will be heard & we will be taken seriously. Together we can create a safe space.”

This Code of Behaviour will be given to all participants at the commencement of their engagement with TDNI. They must sign to indicate that they have read and understood it.

Respectful Behaviour

The interchangeable use of the words harassment and bullying can lead to a misunderstanding of what each one relates to. They are legally distinct concepts and so a behaviour can be deemed either bullying or harassment, not both.


Harassment is defined as ‘unwanted conduct that violates people’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.’ Examples of this type of conduct include but are not limited to:

  • Verbal harassment – spoken words, shouting, ridicule, unfair or excessive criticism, such as making racist, sexist, sectarian or homophobic remarks; making derogatory comments about a person’s age or disability, jokes, comments or singing songs of this nature
  • Physical harassment – pushing, shoving or any form of assault on a person
  • Written harassment – including texts, emails, and social media posts/comments/messages (directly or indirectly)
  • Intimidation – gestures, threatening poses/posturing, slamming doors, throwing objects
  • Isolating, or refusing to co-operate with, a person at work, or excluding them from work-related social activities;
  • Coercing, or applying pressure to a person, to get them to participate in political or religious groups

Sexual harassment is any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The legal definition of sexual harassment covers two areas, gender related conduct and harassment of a sexual nature. A single incident may constitute sexual harassment.

Gender related conduct: The harasser would not treat somebody of the opposite sex in this way. The conduct does not have to be of a sexual nature.

Unwanted physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature: Conduct of this type is intrinsically unlawful and may occur between men and women or between persons of the same gender. Examples of this type of conduct include but are not limited to:

  1. demeaning comments about the way a person looks,
  2. indecent remarks,
  3. questions about a person’s sex life,
  4. sexual demands,
  5. physical conduct of a sexual nature.


Bullying is repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical, or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another, or others during the programme, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining of the individual’s right to dignity at work. An isolated incident of the behaviour described in this definition may be an affront to dignity at work, but a once off incident is not considered to be bullying.

Bullying is conduct which occurs on more than one occasion and which is seen to be offensive. Many types of conduct and actions can constitute bullying with some being less obvious than others.

Bullying can consist of but is not limited to; persistent offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behaviour, or abuse of power carried out by an employee, or group of employees, either directly or indirectly, or online, which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated, or vulnerable.


Everyone who engages with the organisation is expected to behave in a respectful manner; this includes making sure under-represented voices are heard, as well as respecting given terminology and how our artists, staff and collaborators choose to be recognised regarding gender, dis/ability, sexuality, and other self-identification.

Discrimination may be based on protected characteristics (age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation and membership of the Traveller Community). It can also be taken to have occurred where a person is treated less favourably by virtue of their association with a person who is a member of one of these groups.

Harassment, bullying and/or discrimination towards either staff members or participants will not be tolerated and may lead to removal from the programme.

The intention of the perpetrator of bullying or harassment is irrelevant. The fact that the perpetrator has no intention of bullying or harassing the victim may not be a defence.

Harassment and bullying can have a detrimental impact on the health, confidence, morale, and performance of persons who are affected by it. Harassment is unlawful under the anti-discrimination and equality legislation. It may also be a civil offence; a criminal offence and it may contravene health and safety legislation.

Harassment, as defined in the anti-discrimination and equality legislation, is a form of unlawful discrimination. TDNI is committed to discouraging all forms of harassment, regardless of whether it is unlawful under the antidiscrimination laws or not. For example, if behaviour of the kind listed in the bullet points above occurs but is not related to any of the equality grounds (such as religious belief or sex, etc.), it is still unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated under this policy.

If you are subject to, or witness, any harassment, bullying or discriminatory behaviour during the INVEST programme, please report it to any member of staff, either verbally or via email.


You must maintain a high level of professionalism in all interactions, including workshops, meetings, and networking events.

We understand that often outside-hours socialising between staff, artists and other sector workers may occur. We expect that the guidelines listed in this document will be adhered to within the social environment as they would in the working environment – and ask that all involved will treat each other with respect and courtesy.


If you are subject to or witness anything that violates this Code of Behaviour, you may report the incident to either the Executive Director or Deputy Director. You may request the TDNI Dignity at Work policy detailing the grievance procedures.

Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Code of Behaviour may result in various actions, including but not limited to warnings, or expulsion from the programme, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. TDNI will handle violations on a case-by-case basis, ensuring a fair and just response.

When you engage with TDNI, you agree to abide by this Code of Behaviour and contribute to the creation of a positive and enriching experience for all participants. We are committed to fostering a supportive community of artists and look forward to your active participation and collaboration.