On Wednesday 29th September, Arts Council of Northern Ireland hosted a webinar to provide additional information and support to applicants of their Creative Individuals Recovery Programme Webinar.
This programme has been co-designed by the Department for Communities and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
The overriding objective of this programme is to help individuals reconnect or maintain their trade, profession or vocation within the creative sector as it emerges from coronavirus pandemic restrictions. Taking account of the diversity of the sector, it is difficult to be prescriptive, but the scheme will typically meet one-off costs that are necessarily incurred and indeed essential to the individual reengaging with or maintaining their practice. The programme will support actions to reverse the erosion of creative practice and loss of skills and experience to the creative sectors.
Theatre and Dance NI are available to provide additional support to applicants; if you need assistance in applying for this fund, please do not hesitate to contract us for advice and support. Email Molly at projects@theatreanddanceni.org
Click Here for More Information on the Creative Individuals Recovery Programme.