Enkalon Foundation was established in 1985 following the closure of the British Enkalon Factory in Antrim. The aim of the fund was to support the local community and ex-employees.
As the foundation grew support was offered to charities and community groups across Northern Ireland. To date the foundation has given out over £5 million across Northern Ireland via 6,500 grants. £2.6 million of this funding has been in the former Antrim Borough.
Funding Outline
Enkalon Foundation has an annual budget of around £200,000 which is used to support ex-employees with healthcare equipment as well as charities and community groups to meet and deliver their core objectives through the General Fund.
Applications to the General Fund may be for core running or project costs but must clearly demonstrate the need for the funding and how the group, users and wider community will benefit from it.  Enkalon Foundation is a small funder and whilst applications of up to £6000 are accepted the average grant is £1000. If the overall budget exceeds the funding available other funding should be sought elsewhere. Additional applications along with any planned fundraising activities should be detailed with the application.
Enkalon Foundations range of interests are:
 – The advancement of education
 – The advancement of health and of saving lives
 – The advancement of citizenship or community development
 – The advancement of the arts, culture, heritage or science
 – The advancement of amateur sport
 – The relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other            disadvantage
 – The advancement of animal welfare
Please note: Normally grants are not made to playgroups, pta’s, senior citizens groups or sporting groups outside the former Antrim borough area or to individuals or for medical research or for travel or projects outside Northern Ireland.
If you wish to submit an application please click on the General Fund tab at the top of this page.
The Trustees meet quarterly and the next closing date for applications is 
November, 2022. 
The trustees will assess these applications in December 2022

General Fund

The Enkalon Foundation General Fund runs throughout the year with the applications being assessed by the trustees at their quartely meetings in March, June, September and December.
(These meetings may be subject to change)
Applications to the General Fund can be submitted via this website by following the steps below:
1. Download and complete the award payment form. This form indicates how your group would like to be paid if they are successful.
2. Please download the application checklist below. This outlines all the
    supporting documents required to submit an application. The supporting 
    documents can be sent three ways:
– Via the online application form where there is an upload option at the end.
– Via email to info@enkalonfoundation.org
– Via post to:   
    Enkalon Foundation
    PO Box 126
    BT41 9DF
3. Now you can begin the application form. The form is based online and is not available to download.             
Please note Enkalon Foundation funds a very wide range of charities and community groups and each are constituted and run differently. Due to this the form may contain questions/sections which do not relate to your organisation. In this instance please enter a . in the box and continue with the form.
The form does not have to be completed in one sitting. At the bottom of each page you will have the option to save and exit. Once you do that you should receive an email with a link to access the application. If you do not receive the link please email the office and one will be re-issued. Once you have completed the application you will be able to download a pdf copy for your records.
 If you have any queries or issues regarding the application then please contact the office on (028)94477131