Grants are available to scale up community and workplace initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing in men and boys (aged 12 and over) across the United Kingdom.
- Current Status
- Open for Applications
- Maximum value:
- £ 400,000
Objectives of Fund
This fund aims to support mental health and wellbeing in men and boys (aged 12 and over) by funding initiatives that have already shown promise in improving mental health and suicide prevention. Funding will be awarded to current programmes with an underlying evidence base to strengthen and support project delivery, evidence, and scalability of programme activity.
Value Notes
A total of £2.4 million is available to be awarded across 12 initiatives.
Grants of between £200,000 and £400,000 are available.
Funding will be awarded in tranches based on milestone delivery.
Match Funding Restrictions
Match funding is not required. However, initiatives that can demonstrate the ability to attract other funding sources will be favourably considered.
Who Can Apply
Organisations undertaking mental health initiatives within a community or workplace setting with a focus on male mental health can apply.
Eligible initiatives must be able to demonstrate:
- That any funding received will deliver a scaled uplift of the reach and impact of an initiative that is demonstrating positive mental health or suicide prevention outcomes.
- That the initiative focuses on prevention and/or early intervention and incorporates a gendered lens to improve mental health and wealth being in one or more of the targeted groups.
- An underlying evidence base with supporting information, such as publications or research reports (upon request).
- Evidence that the initiative is achieving the desired outcomes.
- A commitment to support robust evaluation.
The following are not eligible for funding:
- Activities not aligned with the goals of this fund.
- Concepts that are currently not operating in the real world.
- Services such as one-on-one therapy, crisis support and counselling, or acute psychiatric services.
- Research positions or scholarships for universities and research institutions.
- Awareness and educational activities that do not specify and provide a clear and measurable link to improved mental health in the target groups.
- Activities that rely on motivational speakers or are for informal, one-off sessions.
- Activities that are not based on scientific principles or mechanisms.
- Activities that have not been designed or implemented in a way that can be tested.
- Overhead costs, including accounting fees, insurance, interest, legal fees, taxes, utilities, and costs associated with construction and renovation.
- Tuition and professional membership dues.
- Secondary grants and awards.
Eligible Expenditure
Funding will be awarded to initiatives that take a prevention and/or early intervention perspective and incorporate a gendered lens to improve mental health and wellbeing in communities or workplaces.
Target audiences include, but are not limited to, men and boys from the following audiences:
- Cultural and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
- Regional and remote communities.
- GBTQI communities.
- Socially disadvantaged communities.
- High-risk occupations, such as construction, mining, and low skilled workers.
- Those experiencing or at risk of substance misuse, abuse, and addiction.
- Those experiencing or at risk of gambling addiction and problem gambling.
- Those experiencing unemployment or underemployment.
Eligible activities must:
- Be an existing programme operating in the real world, not an idea or concept.
- Have a specified outcome for which the efficacy and effectiveness can be measured, such as a reduction in mental health symptoms or improved literacy.
- Have testable goals.
- Have adequate referral pathways/signposting to support from mental health professionals.
Eligible costs include:
- Direct programme-related costs, including supplies, expenses, travel, and equipment.
- Relevant proportions of salaries of project or programme managers, technicians, administrative staff, and other personnel.
- Indirect costs up to 10% of the total budget (for community organisations only).
Applications should demonstrate that funding will deliver a scaled reach of an initiative, and not simply fund already planned activity.
Proposed activities should commence 1 September 2022 and be completed by 31 August 2024.
How To Apply
There is a two-stage application process:
- Applicants must first submit a letter of intent.
- Successful applicants will then be invited to complete a full application.
The key 2022 dates are:
- 31 January – Deadline for letters of intent.
- 7 March – Notification of invitation to submit a full application.
- 7 April – Deadline for full applications.
Applicants will receive a decision regarding full applications in the week commencing 13 June 2022.
Guidance notes and an online application form are available from the Movember website. Click Here to access Guidance Notes and Application.