We are pleased to announce tickets are now available to attend a day of two training sessions with Charlotte Jones, CEO, ITC (Independent Theatre Council).

Charlotte Jones is CEO of Independent Theatre Council, the Management Association and representative body for 500 Professional performing arts organisations across the UK. She trained as a lawyer and has worked for 25 years with arts and voluntary organisations advising, problem-solving, resolving disputes and negotiating with unions.

Session 1 – 9am-12pm:

‘Understanding and Protecting your Rights’ will cover Intellectual Property, Copyright Law, contracts and union agreements as they relate to working in the performing arts. The law explained, your questions answered, and experiences shared.

Session 2 – 12.45-3.45pm:

‘Managing Conflict’ will explore processes and practice for managing conflict in the workplace, Dignity at Work, grievance and disciplinary procedures, skills for managing difficult conversations and resolving disputes.

When: 10th November 2023

Time: 9am-3.45pm

Where: The Workshop Room, Youth Action, 14 College Square North, Belfast, BT1 6AS

You may choose to attend both sessions, or either one or the other.

Tickets for TDNI members are discounted.

Register your attendance here