The MA in Contemporary Dance Performance at University of Limerick will partner with Luail to offer two company placements starting from September 2025. This exciting new partnership offers students the opportunity to undertake up to two semesters with the company as a significant part of their MA study.

For further details please contact or for information on applying to the programme see


The Master of Arts in Dance Performance (Contemporary) is a one-year, full- time, post-graduate programme. It offers students an opportunity to undertake a period of intensive, primarily studio-based research into contemporary dance, performance, and choreography. The programme is designed to provide each student with the tools to develop their unique strengths and interests as a dance artist. Exploring dance performance as a creative endeavour, students engage in contemporary dance workshops and masterclasses, ensemble choreographies, solo making, Screendance, Somatics and creative practice methods. Alongside learning to contextualise their practice within the research and wider professional field, they regularly engage in workshop and performance events with local and national festivals, dance companies and dance resource organisations.

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