Dr Shonagh Hill is a Marie Sklodowksa-Curie Fellow in the School of Arts, English and Languages, QUB. Shonagh recently published, Women and Embodied Mythmaking in Irish Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2019): the first monograph to provide an historical overview of women’s contributions to, and thus an alternative genealogy of, modern Irish theatre. She is co-editing (with Dr Lisa Fitzpatrick) a forthcoming anthology: Plays by Women in Ireland (1926-33): Feminist Theatres of Freedom and Resistance (Bloomsbury). Shonagh has published articles on women and theatre in a range of leading journals and internationally reviewed books, and is a core member of the Feminist Research Working Group of the International Federation for Theatre Research.
Shonagh is looking for participants for a research project. The event is a movement workshop exploring solidarity which has been developed with Maiden Voyage Dance NI. The workshop is open to self-identified women and non-binary people across all generations. She is particularly keen to hear from queer and BAME participants, as well as a broad range of ages. The workshop will take place 10am to 3pm on Wednesday 10th August at Queen’s University, Belfast. Lunch and a small fee will be provided. Please contact Shonagh Hill at s.hill@qub.a.cuk with any questions or if you would like to sign up.