The programme aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people by engagement in high quality arts.


  • To deliver projects that help young people:
  • To appreciate the positive contribution that involvement in arts projects can have on well-being
  • To have increased awareness of the importance of good mental health and techniques to cultivate it
  • To have increased arts-based knowledge and skills
  • Projects should aim to include young people experiencing higher levels of disadvantage or exclusion and may include more vulnerable groups such as those living with a mental health condition, eating disorders or addiction.

Who can apply?

  • The programme is aimed at constituted community and voluntary groups who are working at a local level to support young people and can demonstrate strong partnership working with relevant groups working with young people.
  • This programme is also open to non-governmental organisations, Local Authorities and arts organisations who can clearly demonstrate partnership working.
  • Partnership or consortia based projects. Partnerships can be led by either youth sector providers, arts organisations or Local Authorities, however the consortium must be made up of appropriate representatives and demonstrate a commitment to working together. Other specialists who work with young people may also be included as named partners in the consortium.

Who Cannot Apply?

  • Individuals or sole traders
  • Broadcasters (excluding community service broadcasters)
  • Central Government Departments
  • Organisations with statutory obligations to providing services for Young People
  • Organisations in breach of any previously issues Arts Council award grant conditions

How Much Can I Apply For?

Grants up to £10,000 are available. You can apply for up to 100% of the eligible costs of the project. Projects can be up to 1 year duration and can take place on any dates between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024.

What You Can Apply For. These are examples only

  • Projects and events
  • Commissions and productions
  • Artists’ fees up to £35 per hour or a maximum of £150 per day for workshop-based activity.
  • Artists’/volunteers’/essential administrative travel expenses within Northern Ireland at 25.7p per mile
  • Venue hire for workshops
  • Transportation costs
  • Excursions where relevant to the programme of activities
  • Materials/equipment
  • Equipment hire
  • Publicity and marketing costs
  • Co-ordination costs (Which are not already part of an existing salary)
  • Premium payment costs – any additional costs you are likely to incur through the involvement of Section 75 groups, e.g. carers costs, visual aids (e.g. Braille), sign language and hearing assistance.

Deadline 10th October

Apply here