NICVA has developed a series of tutorial videos to help treasurers and trustees of small to medium sized voluntary led organisations understand the basics of financial record keeping and good financial governance.
These videos have also been developed to be accessible to those trustees whose first language is not English. They are available with Irish and British sign language interpretation and English subtitles can be translated into other languages.
The first two tutorials are ‘Keeping books of account’ and ‘How to prepare annual accounts (R&P)’.   For more information and to view the videos please click on the following links:
How to prepare annual accounts (R&P)
Two further tutorial videos are currently being developed on the Role of the Treasurer and What is an independent examination. We are aiming to have these ready by the end of June 2022.
Every effort is made to ensure that the contents of this document are accurate, but the advice given should not be relied on as a definitive legal statement.