
Grants are available to voluntary and community organisations promoting good community relations between people of different ethnic backgrounds across Northern Ireland.

Current Status
Closed to Applications
Maximum value:
£ 75,000

Objectives of Fund

The MEDF provides support for voluntary and community organisations working with minority ethnic people and groups. The aim of the fund is to assist minority ethnic and local community organisations to promote good relations between people of different ethnic backgrounds.

Value Notes

Applications are sought for the funding period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025.

Grant awards will fall into three broad categories or ‘tiers’:

Tier 1

  • Tier 1a – Funding awards between £100 – £5,000.
  • Tier 1b – Funding awards between £5,000.01 – £10,000.
  • Projects which are not multi-annual must be delivered and full expenditure incurred by 31 March 2023.

Tier 2

  • Tier 2a – Funding awards between £10,000.01 – £30,000 per annum.
  • Tier 2b – Funding awards between £30,000.01 – £45,000 per annum.

Tier 3

  • Tier 3a – Funding awards between £45,000.01 – £60,000 per annum.
  • Tier 3b – Funding awards between £60,000.01 – £75,000 per annum.

Who Can Apply

Applications will be accepted from organisations that:

  • Are legally able to operate in Northern Ireland.
  • Are independent, established for charitable purposes, and have a constitution or set of rules defining their aims, objectives and operational procedures.
  • Have a definable management structure and appropriate financial controls.
  • Have aims and objectives which are designed to take account of the needs of people from a minority ethnic background.
  • Have principles of operation which accord with legislation on employment, health and safety, racial, religious, political, sexual and disability discrimination for employees and volunteers.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities.


The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals.
  • Statutory bodies.
  • Commercial organisations.
  • Academic institutions (schools, colleges, universities).
  • Trade unions.
  • Political parties.
  • Applicants who have failed to comply with the terms of a letter of offer or monitoring requirements from a previous grant awarded by the Executive Office.
  • Projects where there is no demonstrable evidence that public funding is required to implement the project.
  • Capital projects.
  • Contracted services.
  • Competitions.
  • Activities which are party political in nature.
  • Activities outside Northern Ireland.
  • Retrospective costs.

Eligible Expenditure

Grants are available for projects which contribute to the promotion of good relations between people of different ethnic backgrounds, the building of community cohesion, and promotion of integration. Eligible projects should work towards the following outcomes:

  1. Equality of Service Provision – people from a minority ethnic background can access and benefit from all public services equally.
  2. Elimination of prejudice, racism and hate crime.
  3. Increased participation, representation and belonging – people from minority ethnic backgrounds participate in and are represented fully in all aspects of life and enjoy a sense of ‘belonging’.
  4. Cultural diversity is celebrated – the rights of people from minority ethnic backgrounds to maintain their culture and traditions in line with human rights norms and to pass them on to subsequent generations are recognised and supported.

Eligible activity should fall under one of the following three categories (or tiers):

  • Tier One – for one-off events and projects which will contribute to achieving one (tier 1a) or two (tier 1b) of the programme outcomes. Awards made under this Tier may cover expenses such as travel, postage, catering, stationery, printing, interpretation, venue hire, promotional costs and, in certain circumstances, salary costs and/or fees. Applications for other expenses may also be considered.
  • Tier Two – for central management, development and administrative costs and to enable organisations to develop and provide services and projects that will contribute to achieving the programme’s outcomes and develop self-supporting organisations, which will be in a position to access mainstream funding from government. Tier 2 applications must contribute to achieving three (tier 2a) or all four (tier 2b) of the programme outcomes. The Department will pay up to 100% of an organisation’s salary costs (including employer’s national insurance contribution). The Department will also pay up to 100% of an organisation’s support costs. Examples of claims which may be made under development funding include salaries, employer’s pension contributions, travel, stationery, postage, telephone and internet connections.
  • Tier Three – funding is intended to meet central management, development and administrative costs and thereby enable organisations to develop and provide services and projects. Tier 3 applications must contribute to achieving all four of the programme outcomes. Tier 3 applications must also include clear proposals to provide a mentoring role with smaller or less experienced organisations and/or to work collaboratively with others in the sector.

How To Apply

Information about any future funding round will be provided when it becomes available.

Guidance notes and the application form are available at the website of the Executive Office.

Useful Links