Summer 2021 call for participants.

Would you like to take part in a somatic movement workshop exploring women’s experiences in Northern Ireland and their relationship to feminism?

Dr Shonagh Hill is looking for participants for workshops which have been developed in partnership with Maiden Voyage Dance NI:

These workshops are part of my research project titled ‘Generational Feminisms in Contemporary Northern Irish Performance’. The workshops are open to those who self-identify as women and who are based in Northern Ireland. The research will look at experiences across the generations so I am looking for participants of ALL AGES (you need to be over 18). No previous dance or movement experience required!

Participants will take part in one of the workshops held during the first two weeks in August (on the 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th) at Queen’s University Belfast. Numbers will be limited to comply with social distancing. Contact Dr Shonagh Hill if you are interested: