DATE: Saturday, 19 October 2024
TIME: 10am – 5pm
VENUE: Brian Friel Theatre
TICKET PRICES:Free – application details below
Co-hosted by Tinderbox Theatre Company and BIAF, this free workshop for playwrights based in NI explores how the use of space can shape a play’s meaning.
Discussions of how space is used in existing plays will be paired with practical ‘on your feet’ writing exercises. Playwrights will also hit the streets of Belfast to explore how to use existing spaces for inspiration. You will also learn about the work of the Abbey Theatre’s Literary and New Work Department.
The workshop is for writers who have written at least one full-length play and want to deepen their practice.
To apply, email with “BIAF” as the subject.
Include your phone no. and a short biog that introduces you and your writing experience (max 200 words).
Closing date – Friday 6th September