We do not make grants to individuals.
We make grants for work across the UK – BUT NOT within Greater London.
We fund charities and organisations that work with six particular beneficiary groups – please click on the links below:
- Asylum seekers and refugees
- Gypsies and Travellers
- Offenders and ex-offenders
- Older people
- People experiencing mental health problems
- People experiencing violence or abuse
A new programme is soon to be launched, focussing on Young People.
The average grant size is around £5,000-£6,000.
While recognising (and being willing to support) on-going, tried and tested projects, we are also particularly interested in unusual, imaginative or pioneering projects which have perhaps not yet caught the public imagination.
Trustees recently agreed a greater focus on specific areas of work for the elderly especially for those in rural and more deprived areas.
The aim in this category is to reduce loneliness and isolation, improve physical and mental wellbeing, help maintain independence and a quality of life for older people.
We will focus funding to help reduce the significant issues faced by the elderly and help them remain an important part of their community. That will include people who live in care homes as well as those who remain in their own homes. Activities that will be considered will include befriending schemes, handyman services, intergenerational projects, access to transport and other services. Also advice services that help alleviate pensioner and fuel poverty, advocacy services and support that protect the elderly from any form of abuse. Lunch clubs and social activities will still be considered where it meets the criteria in this category.
The Foundation recognises the growing impact of dementia within the older population and on families, especially those who care for people with dementia. We are keen to support projects that seek to develop community initiatives that offer sustainable, long term support for older people in communities.
If you have any queries or need further clarification on eligibility, please contact tim@allenlane.org.uk. Â
The Foundation aims to fund work benefitting people affected by mental health problems – lessening their isolation and feelings of stigma, improving wellbeing and promoting recovery, and enabling people to feel included in their local communities.
We fund organisations that provide general services and activities to people with mental health conditions; as well as groups working with people affected by specific or particular issues – such as bipolar disorder, or depression, or self-harm, or eating disorders for example. Our focus is on funding mental health charities that support people with moderate or severe mental health issues.
The types of grants we have made recently include funding for befriending and mentoring projects; peer support and self-help groups; therapeutic arts activities; gardening and horticulture projects; as well as for the provision of advice, information and advocacy.
We do not fund one-to-one counselling or therapy.
If you have any queries or need further clarification on eligibility, please contact gill@allenlane.org.uk.
The Foundation is interested in funding work that promotes the inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees, and helps with their integration and settling into life in the UK.
We fund organisations that work with asylum seekers and refugees regardless of where they originate from – we do not fund refugee community organisations (that work with single nationalities). Our focus is more on people in the asylum system (ie currently seeking asylum in the UK) or refugees who have been through the asylum system, rather than via resettlement schemes.
We aim to assist with the provision of relevant advice, information or advocacy; with social or therapeutic activities aimed at lessening isolation; and work to help change public attitudes or policy in relation to immigration issues. We also fund practical and emotional support; English classes; destitution support; hosting/accommodation projects; and drop-in costs.
These are only some of the areas we might fund – please contact us if you are unsure about applying.
If you have any queries or need further clarification on eligibility, please contact gill@allenlane.org.uk.
If you have any queries about making an application you are encouraged to email us for clarification. Applications are processed continuously.
When we have received your application we will be in touch (usually within two weeks) to either:
- Ask for any further information
- Tell you if your application will be put forward to the next stage of assessment and give a timetable for a final decision
- Tell you that we cannot help
Processing an application and making a grant usually takes between two and six months. If further information is needed this will be requested and a visit may be arranged where the application can be discussed in more detail.
Our Trustees meet to discuss grant applications three times a year, generally in February, June and October. Â
The June 2022 Trustee meeting is now CLOSED for new applications.Â
All applications submitted now, and until early August will be considered in the round leading up to our October meeting.
Please apply as soon as you are ready – we process applications all the time – and would appreciate it if you are able to apply well before the deadline.