The Thomas Devlin Fund has now re-opened for 2025 for applications from gifted young people, aged 15 to 19 years, who would like to study, or pursue a career, in creative arts, performing arts or music. The fund was set up in memory of Thomas Devlin who, at the age of 15, was murdered in an unprovoked attack in 2005.
The Fund provides an annual bursary scheme to support the development of applicants with a particular talent in their chosen career path of either music, performing arts or creative arts (including fine arts and literary art), to financially assist them to develop their skills and knowledge and help them move up to the next level in their journey.
In 2025, the Fund will offer grants of up to £1,750 to young people, aged between 15-19, who would like to study or pursue a career in any one of the three categories of creative arts, performing arts, and music.
The Fund would particularly welcome innovative creative arts projects (including fine arts and literary art).
Closing date Mar 28, 2025 13:00