The February Foundation
Grants are available to UK registered charities for a range of charitable projects, particularly the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage; and for the advancement of education, the arts, culture, and heritage.
- Current Status
- Open for Applications
- Maximum value:
- Discretionary
Objectives of Fund
The Foundation makes grants to a range of charities and will consider supporting any charitable activities but has previously funded charities working in the following areas:
- Education.
- End-of-life care.
- Heritage and culture.
- Healthcare and patient support.
Value Notes
Funding is at the discretion of the trustees but the average (median) award is ÂŁ5,000. The Foundation is happy to part-fund projects and will consider applications for continuation funding for previously funded projects.
This is a highly competitive fund with less than 20% of all applications being successful.
Match Funding Restrictions
Match funding may be required.
Who Can Apply
Charities registered in the United Kingdom can apply.
The Trustees will consider grants for:
- Charities that are for the benefit of persons who are making an effort to improve their lives.
- Charities that are for the benefit of persons no longer physically or mentally able to help themselves.
- Charities that have a long-term beneficial impact on the future of individuals, groups of individuals, or organisations.
- Charities that protect the environment.
- Small or minority charities where small grants will have a significant impact.
- Charities whose charitable objects are aligned with those of the Foundation.
- Companies where the acquisistion of equity would be in line with the Foundation’s charitable objectives.
Successful applicants should not reapply until at least 12 months after their most recent grant. (Reapplications can be for the continuation of previously funded projects.)
Unsuccessful applicants are eligible to reapply 12 months after their most recent application.
Organisations which received funding from the Foundation’s now-closed COVID-19 emergency fund are eligible to reapply for a standard grant if at least 12 months have passed since their last standard grant.
The following are not eligible for funding:
- Charities which are party-politically driven.
- Charities with a commercial bias for a particular product or company.
- Charities with an aggressive religious bias.
- Child care.
- Citizens’ Advice Bureaux.
- Community centres.
- Higher education.
- Housing associations.
- Individuals.
- Medical research.
- Military charities.
- Minibuses.
- NHS trusts (or charities that support them).
- Non-departmental government bodies.
- Outdoor activity centres.
- Overseas projects.
- Primary education.
- Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Cubs, and similar organisations.
- Secondary education.
- Single-faith organisations.
- Sports clubs, unless for the mentally or physically disabled.
- Village halls.
- Youth clubs and centres.
- Special educational needs schools.
Eligible Expenditure
The Foundation has wide charitable objects and evaluates each application on its merits and on a case-by-case basis.
The funding is for project, capital and core costs.
In particular, funding is available for the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage; and for the advancement of education, the arts, culture, and heritage.
How To Apply
There are no application deadlines as trustees normally make grant decisions on a monthly basis.
There is no formal application form. The Foundation prefers to be contacted electronically, and emailed applications will be given priority over hard copy applications.
The following information is required with all applications:
- Details and budget of the proposed project.
- How many people would benefit, and how those benefits might be measured (not just financially).
- What the estimated cost of raising funds for the project is.
- Full accounts for the most recent completed financial year and, if not contained in the accounts, the full cost of raising voluntary income.
For hospice applications, the following additional information is required:
- Total fundraising cost, inc trading, as % of total cost.
- Admin (non-clinical, non-fundraising) costs, as % of entire costs.
- In-patient bed occupancy (% capacity).
- Day hospice capacity utilisation (%).
- Home care hours delivered.
- Latest CQC rating.
Applicants should not send DVDs, CDs, glossy brochures or other additional information.
It normally takes 12 weeks from application to applicants being informed of the trustees’ decision.
More Information available by Clicking Here