Ards and North Down Arts offers one week residencies at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Annaghmakerrig, County Monaghan for practitioners in all art forms who are currently based in the Ards and North Down Borough.
Who can apply?
Professionally practicing artists in any art form (including; visual art, applied art, craft, multimedia, music, dance, drama, literature, etc) resident in the borough of Ards and North Down.
What is available?
This bursary award is for a one-week Studio Residency at The Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig. A maximum of 4 professional artists will be awarded for the 2023/24 financial year*. Applicants may only submit one application form.
One of the available bursaries will be prioritised for an artist with a disability. Ards and North Down Borough Council are committed to supporting artists with disabilities across all art genres. This bursary is launched in memory of Chris Ledger, late CEO of the University of Atypical.
*Awards are subject to budget approval.
Application Deadline:
Friday 10 February 2023, 11:59pm