Wingate Foundation


Grants are available to charitable organisations active in the UK under the following categories: Jewish life and learning; performing arts (excluding music); music; and medical research travel grants.

Current Status
Open for Applications
Maximum value:

Objectives of Fund

Funding is available under the following categories:

  • Jewish life and learning.
  • Performing arts (excluding music).
  • Music.
  • Medical research travel grants.

Value Notes

Funding is at the discretion of the trustees.

No minimum or maximum level of grant is specified other than medical research travel grants, which are for up to ÂŁ1,000.

Who Can Apply

Registered charities in the UK are eligible to apply.

Applications by organisations that award scholarships or bursaries are eligible and will be considered by the Foundation.


Funding is not available for:

  • Individuals.
  • Not-for-profit organisations that are not registered charities.
  • Gap year projects.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award activities.
  • Operation Raleigh projects.
  • Students or individuals looking to undertake research projects.
  • Large charities, including local branch offices of large organisations.
  • Stage productions, under the performing arts category.
  • Travel, subsistence or registration for international or national congresses and symposia, under the medical research travel grants category.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding is available under the following categories:

Jewish life and learning

Support is available for activities that encourage Jewish cultural, academic and educational life in a manner that enhances the Jewish contribution to the life of the wider community.

Applications are especially welcome from organisations with a demonstrable track-record in effective inter-faith engagement, in the promotion of mutual understanding and reconciliation between Jews in Israel and their Arab neighbours, and the encouragement of liberal values in both communities.

Applications are also invited from bodies promoting Jewish culture and learning, including museums, libraries, literary publications, and academic institutions.

Performing arts (excluding music)

Applications are welcomed under one or both of the following categories:

  • Performing arts – achieving excellence
    • Support is available for the performing arts with particular emphasis on financial support for not-for-profit companies with a record of artistic excellence that require additional funding, not available from public sources or commercial sponsorship, to broaden their repertoire or develop work of potentially outstanding interest that cannot be funded from usual sources.
    • Assistance will also be considered for training and professional development for creative talent or the technical professions.
  • Performing arts – education and social exclusion
    • Support is available for arts projects that place a particular emphasis on addressing educational or social exclusion outcomes.


Support is available for those areas of music performance and education which do not readily attract backing from commercial sponsors or other funding bodies, or which are not eligible for public funding. Priority will be directed towards supporting the work or education of musicians based in, or wishing to study in, the UK, but by no means exclusively so. An important criterion will be whether, in the opinion of the Trustees, the funding sought will make a significant difference to the applicant’s prospects.

Priority will be given to those organisations which give opportunities to young professionals and to education projects for young people as well as for new adult audiences. This would include direct assistance as well as funding for organisations which promote their work or performance, and support for Master Classes.

Medical research travel grants

The Trustees are mindful of the influence of new clinical and laboratory techniques on the advance of medical science, and are aware of the advantages that may be derived from visits to laboratories for the acquisition of new skills, and for setting up inter-institutional collaborative research. They are prepared to consider applications for funds to cover the expenses of travel and subsistence for such visits up to a maximum of ÂŁ1,000. The following criteria apply:

  • Applications should specify the benefit to the applicant of a proposed visit, including the relevance to the applicant’s ongoing research programme and career development.
  • Applications must be accompanied by letters of support from the applicant’s Head of Department, and from the corresponding individual in the department to be visited.
  • Applicants must submit a CV.
  • Applications must include justification of the amount requested.

How To Apply

The next deadline is 5.00pm on Friday 3 June 2022. The Trustees will decide which applications to fund in early July 2022.

An application form is available to download from the Wingate Foundation website and it should be submitted by email to the Foundation. Applications will be acknowledged by email.

Applicants are required to detail how the funding they are seeking can be used under the constraints of the current government coronavirus/COVID-19 guidance for the sector.

The Foundation is not able to advise whether or not an application has been shortlisted. Applicants who have not heard from the Foundation within two months of the deadline date can assume that their application has not been successful.

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