For organisations that participate in fundraising, there has been a change to how Charity and Society lottery tickets can be sold, along with guidance for safe and responsible fundraising from The Fundraising Regulator.
New Rules for Society Lotteries
Charities and other societies will be allowed to sell their lottery tickets online from the 7 September 2021.
The Department for Communities has made an amendment (via a Statutory Rule) to The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 to allow for the sale of a lottery ticket or chance by means of the internet.
For more information visit, NICVA’s Page on this update.
Coronavirus (Covid-19): Supporting Safe and Responsible Fundraising
Every fundraising organisation needs to be mindful of the continuing impact and need to respond to COVID-19 as they plan and practice fundraising for the foreseeable future. All fundraising organisations must continue to plan and carry out fundraising activity in a safe and responsible way, following the guidance that is in place in each UK nation.
As formal and legal restrictions (such as social distancing, limits on gatherings, and mandatory wearing of face coverings) are changed or ended by each UK nation, there remain key considerations and principles which fundraising organisations should consider in their planning. Even where formal restrictions are lifted, cautious approaches are still being encouraged by public health bodies and there is a focus on individuals and organisations taking responsibility for their way of working. Individual organisations may choose to adopt social distancing and protective ways of working where they consider that it is right for them, the activity they plan to carry out, and for the management of risk.
The intention of this guidance is to set out a framework to aid good decision making by organisations across the sector so that fundraising is carried out in a way that is safe, responsible, and gives confidence and protection to the public. To do this we:
- signpost to relevant guidance set out by UK nations and public health organisations;
- set out key considerations for fundraising organisations to take on board; and
- provide advice on how to fundraise in a way that is consistent with the Code of Fundraising Practice and the values of legal, open, honest, and respectful fundraising.
- It is each individual organisation’s responsibility to ensure that they follow government guidance for each UK nation where they are fundraising, and to consider this guidance and apply it to their work. By doing so, organisations can continue to fundraise in a way that protects the safety and wellbeing of donors and the public, as well as fundraisers, and that they act responsibly in making and explaining their decisions where necessary. More information can be found here for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
To read the full Guidance visit The Fundraising Regulators Article