Where: over ZOOM, make sure you check your time zone

When: Starting April 6th until April 22nd

Deadline for applications: Drop ins welcome any time. April 22nd is the last class.

PLEASE note the time of classes:
April 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th and 22nd – drop ins welcome
7PM (GMT+2) Eastern European Standard Time

What the series will cover:

April 6th:
️Understanding and composing for the distorted world of the digital frame
️Composing for the moving and still camera – phone settings and cool apps
️Innovative – DIY lighting – why it’s important to have good light and what good light is.

April 8th:
️Capturing video devices- web cam vs. phone, syncing and working with footage through the computer or in phone.
️Free and cheap software for editing video creatively both on phone and computer. Tutorials on all programs.

April 13th:
️Introducing OBS studio and ManyCam – broadcasting software tips, tricks and best set up for dance.
️The different ways of live broadcasting and engagement on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom.

April 15th:
️Using multiple cameras and video switchers (yes you can do that now through your laptop) … and yes you can make your phone and iPad be webcams. All software and hardware in order to make that happen with a tutorial of the software.

April 22nd:
️Live feed special effects + live performance recording through OBS Studio and Many Cam. Tutorials and possibilities of the software.

The goal is a comprehensive understanding of the technology, so that it could become a part of the way we compose and create dance instead of a hindrance.

Can this knowledge be transferred to the post pandemic theater? Absolutely! You would be able to create stunning multimedia and live feed special effects for your next performance with the tech you already have.


Please, make sure you have a separate device from the one you’d be using to take the class – a phone, iPad, GoPro, or anything else fancier you have.



Students and people economically affected by the pandemic whole series: $70

Drop–ins per class: $15.

Professionals whole series $85 | Drop-ins: $18

If you really want to take this class, but the cost is prohibitive, please email Zornitsa at zornitsa(at)bodymeld.org and we can come up with an appropriate arrangement. NO ONE IS TURNED AWAY FOR LACK OF FUNDS!

For questions, please email Zornitsa directly at zornitsa(at)bodymeld.org

Can’t make the time of the live Zoom class, but still want to take the workshop? You can do that. All classes will be recorded and shared will all participants. You are welcome to register just for the recordings of the class.

To register:  https://digitaldance.eventbrite.com

For further information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/431759731232722/

For more ONLINE TRAININGS visit https://dancingopportunities.com/category/online-training/