Dorothy Morrissey, lecturer in Drama Education at Mary Immaculate College (MIC), University of Limerick is conducting a feasibility study into the development of an All of Ireland TYA Archive at MIC.
This study is intended as the first step towards developing a TYA archive on the island. This archive would ensure that previously undocumented TYA materials are gathered, recorded, preserved and made accessible to theatre makers, researchers, students, festivals, cultural organisations and the general public.
As the development of such an archive depends on the generosity of those involved in the TYA sector (past and present), she is inviting members of the sector to complete the survey linked below.
The survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, aims to establish:
• The responsiveness of the TYA sector to the idea of an All of Ireland TYA archive
• The type and quantity of material currently in existence, much of which is not in traditional play script format
• The willingness of the TYA sector to donate and/or copy items (such as programmes, posters, photographs, video/audio recordings, scripts, administration papers etc.) and lodge them with the archive
• Information about TYA works not included in the Irish Theatre Institute’s catalogue (which documents new plays for children between 1975 and 2017).
The study is supported by MIC, University of Ulster, and Talking TYA Research Network.
Since materials lodged in the archive could be accessed by theatre makers and by researchers, the archive creates possibilities not just for documenting and preserving materials but also for the future restaging of an artist’s/company’s work by others. The archive thus has the potential to raise the status of individual works, and of TYA more generally.
To complete the survey please follow this link
If you require any more information about the study please contact Dorothy